Want to make more money online? Improve your sales funnel!
The sales funnel explained If you sell anything online, you use some sort of marketing/sales funnel whether you realize it or not. The sales funnel is fundamental to the success of every online company. Many well-known internet marketers have established themselves with a help of a carefully crafted, tested and executed funnel. The sales funnel begins by capturing the attention of prospects, leading them through the funnel with the goal of converting them into buyers or clients. The funnel then continues by nurturing the clients often offering them new products at higher prices. The sales funnel can be very simple, for example, a blog post that leads the prospect to the email opt-in page: Or, a squeeze page that asks for an email address and the subsequent series of emails leading to the sales page. If you are in the online marketing space for long enough time, the chance is that your funnels look something like this: This is certainly my case when the sales process takes twists and